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About me

(c) Sara Creta, 2016

My name is Nando Sigona (see profile). I’m Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement (Full Professor) at the University of Birmingham, UK and Director of the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity (IRIS)

I am also Research Associate at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, Senior Research Associate at ODI, and Visiting Professor at Utrecht University.

My research interests include:

  • Irregularised migrant families in Europe (I-CLAIM)
  • the politics of migration in the age of ‘Global Britain’ (MIGZEN)
  • Intra-EU mobility, mixed-EU families, Eurochildren and Brexit
  • The EU and the refugee crisis (MEDMIG)
  • Child and youth migration, in particular transitions to social adulthood of former unaccompanied asylum seeking minors in the EU (Becoming Adult).
  • Livelihoods and lifeworlds of undocumented migrant children and young people in the UK.
  • Stateless diasporas and immigration and citizenship regimes in the EU (Oxford Diasporas Programme)
  • Citizenship, superdiversity and belonging (edited book)
  • Roma minorities in Europe

At Birmingham I teach on the MA in Migration Studies. Previously I taught on the MSc in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford. In October 2012 I was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award by the University of Oxford for ‘outstanding contribution to the MSc in Migration Studies’.

I have long standing interest in Romani politics and anti-Gypsyism in Europe.

9781509531806-e1539183620376My work has appeared in a range of peer reviewed journals, including Sociology, International Migration Review, The Sociological Review, Social Anthropology, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Citizenship Studies. I am author or editor of books and journal’s special issues including Becoming Adult on the Move (Palgrave), The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity (Oxford University Press), Undocumented Migration (Polity), The Oxford Handbook on Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (with Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Long and Loescher, Oxford University Press), Sans Papiers (with Bloch and Zetter, Pluto), Ethnography, diversity and urban space (with Mette L. Berg and Ben Gidley, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power), Romani politics in contemporary Europe: poverty, ethnic mobilisation and the neoliberal order (with Nidhi Trehan, Palgrave, 2009), Refugee Community Organisations and Dispersal: Networks, Resources and Social Capital (with David Griffiths and Roger Zetter, Policy Press, 2005), The Roma in the new EU: Polices, Frames and Everyday Experiences (with Peter Vermeersch, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2012), and Figli del Ghetto. Gli italiani, i campi nomadi e l’invenzione degli zingari (Nonluoghi 2002).

I am one of the founding editors of Migration Studies, an international peer reviewed journal by Oxford University Press that started publication in Spring 2013. I am also the editor of Global migration and social change’, a Bristol University Press book series. I am on the editorial board of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Migration Studies, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, and Central and Eastern European Migration Review.

In November 2016, I was included in the University of Birmingham’s ‘Birmingham Heroes‘ campaign for my work on the refugee crisis.


Professore ordinario presso l’Università di Birmingham, dove dirigo l’‘Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity . Sono anche ricercatore associato presso il Refugee Studies Centre alla Università di Oxford,  l’Overseas Development Institute (ODI) e visiting professor all’Universita’ di Utrecht. Mi occupo di asilo politico e migrazioni forzate in ambito europeo, migrazioni irregolari, e di rom e sinti in Italia e Europa. Sono autore di numerosi saggi su queste tematiche, nel 2006 ho ricevuto il premio Di Liegro per la ricerca sociale. Nel 2012 la Università di Oxford mi ha conferito il Teaching Excellence Award per il mio contributo al corso di Master sulle migrazioni internazionali.

17 thoughts on “About me

  1. buonasera nando,
    nell’inviarti un salutone forte dall’Italia, ti anticipo una mail un poco più lunga e densa che ti ho scritto al tuo indirizzo standards.
    Spero di risentirci presto,
    intanto buon lavoro e a presto !

    1. Gentile Nando Sigona, mi piacerebbe farle leggere una sceneggiatura che ho scritto su un gruppo di musicisti rom a Roma, é una commedia in cui le vicende di questi artisti molto seri, si intrecciano con le malefatte di politici sbruffoni e corrotti legati a mafia capitale. Se mi lascia una mail glieLa invio così per un consiglio, un parere…

    2. Hi sir, I am doing research on statelessness in Cote d’Ivoire. I need some documents of sociologists about this phenomenon. Thanks for your help.

  2. Gentile Dott.Nando,

    il mio nome e` Caterina Tino, vivo in Kosovo anch`io da piu` di un anno, dove lavoro per l`UNMIK. Le scrivo perche` sono molto interessata al discorso della discriminazione nei confronti dei rom e sinti. Ho appena visto il sito di OsservAzione, e l`ho trovato molto interessante. Le posso chidere di incontrarci un giorno? Mi piacerebbe saperne di piu`..


  3. ciao, lavorerò anche io a pristina per un po’, come fare a contattarti per scambiare due chiacchiere?
    non vedo indirizzo email.
    tnx 🙂 eventualmente contattami tu (dovresti visualizzare una mia mail)

  4. Ciao Nando.
    Sono una studentessa di Scienze Politiche dell’Università Orientale di Napoli.
    Ho letto il tuo articolo in ricordo del prof. Marta su OsservAzione.
    Ho avuto la fortuna di seguire un suo corso, di conoscerlo e di scambiare pareri e opinioni con lui. E quante volte l’ho incontrato in quella famosa trattoria di Via Sedile di Porto.
    Volevo chiedergli di seguirmi per la tesi…non ho fatto in tempo.
    Ti scrivo per ringraziarti, perchè il tuo articolo è il più bel ricordo che ho letto di lui dopo la sua scomparsa. Il prof. Marta era esattamente come l’hai descritto.
    E ci manca tanto…

  5. salve, Nando !sono Madalina, una studentessa di Scienze Politiche di Padova e sto scrivendo la tesi sui rom e la loro situazzione attuale in Romania! volevo scriverti una mail, ma non ho il tuo indirizzo e mi farebbe piacere averlo perche vorrei chiederti una tua opinione su questo argomento!
    grazie mille e aspetto una tua risposta!

  6. Dear Nando,

    My name is Ela Veresiu. I am PhD student at Witten/Herdecke University in Witten Germany. I am studying city-life in large/global cities and how different people from different ethnicities live together. This study was my idea and is independent from the university. The starting point for my work is the Roma community in Europe. I am very interested in hearing stories about every day life of members of the Roma community. If it is not too much trouble, I was wondering if you would be interested in talking with me or if you could put me in contact with anyone associated with the osservazione. who would be interested in sharing their stories with me. I am really interested in talking about everyday activities, such as cooking, working, shopping. If you have time and are interested please e-mail me.

    This is a link to my website for more information on my work:

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.


    Ela Veresiu

    1. Dear Ela,
      sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can be of much help for your research. My work is focused on anti-Romani discrimination and institutional racism in Italy. Best of luck with your work,

  7. Dear Nando,

    My name is Ela Veresiu. I am PhD student at Witten/Herdecke University in Witten Germany. I am studying city-life in large/global cities and how people from different ethnicities live together. This study was my idea and is independent from the university. The starting point for my work is the Roma community in Europe. I am very interested in hearing stories about every day life of members of the Roma community. If it is not too much trouble, I was wondering if you would be interested in talking with me or if you could put me in contact with anyone associated with the OsservAzione who would be interested in sharing their stories with me. I am really interested in talking about everyday activities, such as cooking, working, shopping. If you have time and are interested, a conversation over skype or the telephone would be very much appreciated.

    This is a link to my website for more information on my work:

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.


    Ela Veresiu

  8. caro nando sono una giornalista, collaboro con il centro astalli. ho bisogno di contattarti per info.grazie

  9. Caro Nando,
    Sono una studentessa di medicina di Germania. Ho parlato tanto con la mia professoressa di medicina sociale sulla situazione e la discriminazione dei Rom e Sinti in tanti paesi europei – e anche in Italia.
    Quindi vorrei fare una ricerca sui problemi dei Rom qui in Italia, che nascondono, quando si ammalano.
    Vorrei chiedere, se possiamo incontrarci e parlare un po del suo lavoro e della sua esperienza…
    Sarei felice di ricevere una risposta!
    Cari saluti,
    Thordis Marija
    +39 3336574074

  10. Dear Mr Sigona.
    First, let me introduce myself. My name is Tabhita Hutagalung, I’m forth year International Relations student in University of Indonesia. I’m taking transnational society as my minor and now I’m writing my undergraduate thesis about Implementation of EU Framework Roma Equality Strategy: Case Study French Immigration Policy toward Roma Ethnic Minority (2007-2010). This theme is chosen according to the harsh deportation that French has been doing in this couple years.

    I read your biography in your sites and see many journal and books of yours that could relate to my research. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it in my university and also in journal links like , etc.. Could you please tell me how to get those? Especially the ones that relate Roma in europe and how European countries deal with them.

    I also wonder if I can ask you some things about Roma in Europe to help me doing my research.

    I look forward to hearing from you. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks you so much for your time 🙂

    Tabhita Hutagalung

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